These guidelines are current as of September 1, 2022.
- Participants* may bring individual water bottles to drink from during meetings
- Participants must be a minimum of 6 ft apart, leave the room, or go to an outdoor area to remove mask for performing or for purposes such as eating, drinking water, blowing nose, etc.
- Participants are expected to maintain good hygiene including washing hands, utilizing hand sanitizer, and covering coughs and sneezes
- Participants must wash hands or sanitize hands immediately upon entry and before exit of the meeting and are expected to maintain good hygiene including washing hands, utilizing hand sanitizer, and covering coughs and sneezes
- Proper use of face masks is required for participation regardless of vaccination status
- Disposable masks will be provided for those who do not bring their own
- Vaccination for all eligible participants is required
- Staff are required to be fully vaccinated to participate**
- Participants must show proof of vaccination at first meeting they attend
- If participants are unable to be vaccinated for medical reasons, a doctor’s note must be provided and negative COVID tests must be presented before meetings
- Proper use of face masks is required for participation regardless of vaccination status
- Disposable masks will be provided for those who do not bring their own
- If any participant feels sick, they should remain home and get tested for COVID-19
- If COVID-19 symptoms develop during the meeting time, the participant will be separated from others, and parents/guardians will be called to pick them up prior to the end of the meeting or they will be asked to leave in their personal vehicle
- If youth were not at school or are excluded from school for COVID-19 symptoms/diagnosis or being identified as a close contact, they are prohibited from attending Proud Theater until criteria for return are met (see below)
- If identified as a close contact to someone with COVID-19 (either in school or in the community), a participant will not be allowed to return to Proud Theater meetings for 5 days following last known exposure to the positive case
- What to do if a participant feels sick or is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or other illness:
- If a participant feels sick before a Proud Theater meeting, they should remain home and get tested for COVID-19
- If they test positive: the participant will not be allowed to return to Proud Theater meetings until they test negative and acute symptoms have resolved OR for 10 days following the positive test.
- If they test negative: the participant will not be allowed to return to Proud Theater meetings for a minimum of 5 days and until acute symptoms have resolved.
- If COVID-19 or other illness symptoms develop during the Proud Theater meeting time, the participant will be separated from others, and parents/guardians will be called to pick them up prior to the end of the meeting or they will be asked to leave in their personal vehicle
- If parents / guardians or participants have any questions about whether they are cleared to attend a Proud Theater meeting, reach out to a mentor.
- It is recommended that all participants remain at least 6 feet apart. At a minimum, youth must remain at least 3 feet apart from one another and staff must remain 6 feet apart from other staff and youth
- Proud Theater Madison COVID-19 and other Sickness Rights
- Proud Theater-Madison reserves the right to cancel meetings at any time due to the level of COVID-19 transmission within the community or the known or suspected belief that participants have exposed others to COVID-19 and/or that members of the group are considered close contacts to someone diagnosed with COVID-19
- Staff will keep track of weekly attendance for contact tracing purposes.
- Proud Theater reserves the right to make changes to this contract at any time to adhere to CDC recommendations
- *Participant refers to both staff and youth
- ** Staff required to show proof of vaccination and must be fully vaccinated according to CDC and DHS criteria (14+ days following 1st dose of Jonhson & Johnson or following 2nd dose of Pfizer or Moderna) prior to participation in any Proud Theater-Madison activities.
Proud Theater-Madison will fully participate with any COVID-19 investigations initiated by the Dane County Health Department or other local health departments, including providing names of any participants, dates of birth, dates of participation, parent/guardian contact information, or participant contact information (whichever is applicable), including phone numbers, email addresses, and physical residence addresses on file, and any known information about the participants that could aid in the investigation process.
Proud Theater-Madison is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all participants and will, at minimum, attempt to adhere to all CDC and DHS guidance. As such, we reserve the right to update any and all guidelines in accordance with updated CDC and DHS guidance, including the disruption of any services and events or removal of guidelines. All other events and activities that Proud Theater-Madison hosts are subject to the same guidelines, unless stated otherwise.
By signing below, you are indicating that you understand the information contained herein and agree to follow all guidelines stated above to the best of your ability. Failure to comply with any of these guidelines may result in disciplinary action up to and including removal from participation in any Proud Theater activities.