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Proud Theater’s Anniversary Featured in Our Lives

Proud Theater was a natural and very appropriate fit for Our Lives‘ September “Who’s Who in Queer Art’ issue. The feature talks about our 20-year history and where we’re heading for our next 20 years, and was written by our Digital Content Manager and Art & Soul Innovations Board Vice…

Proud Theater Nominated for Best of Madison 2020

  Proud Theater was nominated for Madison Magazine’s Best of Madison 2020! To vote for us, go to the ballot and vote for us for best Youth Performing Arts Group (under the Arts & Entertainment tab). Now in our twentieth year, we have been serving queer youth throughout Dane County…

Proud Theater-Wausau Season Kick-off is September 18th

Proud Theater-Wausau is kicking off its 2019-20 season September 18th at 5:30pm at Whitewater Music Hall (130 1st Street in Wausau). No acting experience is necessary, and people of all abilities are encouraged to join. Proud Theater chapters are all open enrollment, which means there are no auditions and that…

Proud Theater-Sun Prairie Season Kick-off is September 23rd

  Proud Theater-Sun Prairie is kicking off its 2019-20 season September 23rd at 5:30pm at Sun Prairie United Methodist Church (702 North Street in Green Bay). No acting experience is necessary, and people of all abilities are encouraged to join. Proud Theater chapters are all open enrollment, which means there…

Proud Theater-Madison Season Kick-off is September 19th

  Proud Theater-Madison is kicking off its 2019-20 season September 19th at 5:30pm at Trinity United Methodist Church in Madison. No acting experience is necessary, and people of all abilities are encouraged to join. Proud Theater chapters are all open enrollment, which means there are no auditions and that folks can…

Proud Theater Beyond-Madison Season Kick-off is September 8th

  Proud Theater Beyond-Madison is kicking off its 2019-20 season September 8th at 5:30 at Trinity United Methodist Church in Madison. No acting experience is necessary, and people of all abilities are encouraged to join. Proud Theater chapters are all open enrollment, which means there are no auditions and that…

Proud Theater-Green Bay Season Kick-off is September 19th

Proud Theater-Green Bay is kicking off its 2019-20 season September 19th at 5:30pm at 701 Cherry Street in Green Bay. No acting experience is necessary, and people of all abilities are encouraged to join. Proud Theater chapters are all open enrollment, which means there are no auditions and that folks…

Proud Theater at NEW Pride Alive #Stronger Than the Storm

NEW Pride Alive is back this season, and we will be there! Join us September 14th at the Brown County Fairgrounds from 12-4 to learn more about Proud Theater-Green Bay. September 14, 12-4pm: Proud Theater at NEW Pride Alive #StrongerThanTheStorm